We are excited to host our
3rd Annual HTA Member Golf Tournament at:
Skylinks, Long Beach
Friday, November 1st, 2024
Registration Opens 8:00AM
Scramble Shotgun Start 9:30AM
Lunch 11:30AM to 2:30PM
3:30PM-6PM Awards & Cocktail Reception
Hole in One prize: Golf for two at Pebble Beach or Ritz Carlton, Maui
Cash Prizes awarded:
$100 Closest to the pin
$100 Longest Drive
$50 Putting Contest
Mulligan Insurance $20
$2000 Tee Sponsorship: four golfers, welcome signage, tee signage, logo on all marketing materials, acknowledgement at reception, cart, lunch with drink ticket, Specialty Cocktail on the course, cocktail reception (12 Available) Can bring pop-up tent for designated tee and hand out swag.
$2000 Golf Cart Sponsorship: four golfers, welcome signage, golf cart signage on ½ of the carts, logo on all marketing materials, acknowledgement at reception, cart, lunch with drink ticket, Specialty Cocktail on the course, cocktail reception (SOLD OUT) Can bring pop-up tent for designated tee and hand out swag.
$3000 Team Photo Sponsorship: four golfers, welcome signage, branded photo framing, logo on all marketing materials, acknowledgement at reception, cart, lunch with drink ticket, Specialty Cocktail on the course, cocktail reception (1 Available) Can bring pop-up tent for designated are and hand out swag.
$5000 Lunch at the Turn Sponsorship: four golfers, welcome signage, tee signage, logo on all marketing materials, acknowledgement at reception, cart, lunch with drink ticket, Specialty Cocktail on the course, cocktail reception. (SOLD OUT) Can bring pop-up tent for designated tee and hand out swag.
$5000 Specialty Cocktail on the Course Sponsorship: four golfers, welcome signage, “Longest Drive” tee signage, logo on all marketing materials, acknowledgement at reception, cart, lunch with drink ticket, Specialty Cocktail on the course, cocktail reception (SOLD OUT) Can bring pop-up tent for designated tee and hand out swag.
$2500 Beverage Cart Sponsorship: four golfers, welcome signage, beverage cart signage, logo on all marketing materials, acknowledgement at reception, cart, lunch with drink ticket, Specialty Cocktail on the course, cocktail reception (2 Available) Can bring pop-up tent for designated tee and hand out swag.
$5000 “The 19th Hole” Reception Sponsorship: four golfers, welcome signage, logo on all marketing materials, Logo napkins, acknowledgement plaque at reception, cart, lunch with drink ticket, Specialty Cocktail on the course, cocktail reception (1 Available) Can bring pop-up tent for reception and hand out swag.
$10,000 Title Sponsorship: 8 golfers, large welcome banner with logo, attendee gifts with logo, “Closest to the Pin“, tee signage, logo on all marketing materials and ad on digital program, acknowledgement plaque at reception, cart, lunch with drink ticket, Specialty Cocktail on the course, cocktail reception (1 Available) Can bring pop-up tent for designated tee/registration and hand out swag.
For more information please contact Melissa Summers at melissa@harbortruckers.org